CLUTCH PLATE (325 x 38 x 14)

CLUTCH PLATE (325 x 38 x 14)

Product Code: 26DSC0383

Button Type Clutch Plate
FH100 with 4.9ltr 6D31/T engine from 90-on (factory fitted button plate)
FK417 with 7.5ltr 6D16-2A engine from 89-on
FK415 with 7.5ltr 6D14-2A/3A engine from 88-on - optional
FK417 with 7.5ltr 6D16-0A /1A engine from 88-on - optional
FK515 with 7.5ltr 6D14-2A/3A engine from 88-on - optional
FK617 with 7.5ltr 6D16-2A engine from 9/95--on (factory fitted button plate)
980.98 AUD /Pieces
  • Availability: Inquire now